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Bed and breakfast accommodation in Perugia Monasteries

Hotel delle Rose, Cascia
Hotel delle Rose, Cascia
Hotel delle Rose, Cascia
Convento Frati Cappuccini Monte Malbe, Perugia
Convento Frati Cappuccini Monte Malbe, Perugia
Convento Frati Cappuccini Monte Malbe, Perugia





• Unique and peaceful Monastery stays like no other

• Enjoy one of a kind guest accommodation in some of the most historic and beautiful buildings in Perugia on the doorstep of some of Italy's most renowned tourist attractions.

• provides a unique opportunity for anyone to stay in beautiful Monastery accommodation across Perugia and the surrounding area, the perfect base for a peaceful, relaxing retreat.

Perugia Visitor information

Capital of Umbria and home to a prestigious university, Perugia’s centro storico tumbles down the slopes to unattractive modern suburbs. Negotiate these and use the escalators to reach the centre, where the broad Corso Vanucci, lined with classy shops, runs to Piazza IV Novembre, home to the Duomo and the exquisite 13th-century Fontana Maggiore, work of the Pisano family. Down the Corso too, you’ll find the Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, a treasure house of Umbrian art, characterised by its light and colour; Pinturrichio, Perugino and Raphael were all born in the region. There are more paintings by Umbria’s super star Perugino in the Collegio del Cambio, once the HQ of Perugia’s bankers. From here, narrow streets lead down the hill to churches and museums, notably  San Severo, Sant’Angelo, San Pietro and San Domenico, now housing the Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell’Umbria.

History of Perugia

Perugia was founded by the Etruscans, a central Italian tribe, much of whose civilisation was absorbed by the Romans as their power grew. The Etruscans held very firm beliefs in the afterlife and much of what is known about them comes from their burial sites. They often buried their dead surrounded by grave goods, often in chambers decorated with scenes from the deceased’s life – hunting, fishing, feasting and dancing. The Romans adopted some Etruscan gods as their own, though the Etruscans placed more emphasis on natural divinities such as the sun-god, Usil, and Cel, the earth goddess. The archeological museum has a good Etruscan collection, which includes amulets and jewellery, pottery, bronzes and a reconstructed tomb. Post-Roman times, Perugia was ecclesiastically important, no less than five conclaves of the church were held here and the religious orders of the Dominicans, Augustinians and the Franciscans all built churches.