• 独特而宁静的修道院住宿体验与众不同
• 在Bethlehem一些最古老、最美丽的建筑中享受独一无二的客房住宿,毗邻以色列一些最著名的旅游景点。
• Monasteries.com 为任何人提供了一个独特的机会,可以入住位于Bethlehem及周边地区的美丽的修道院住宿,这里是享受宁静、轻松的度假的完美基地。
I had a great stay. The accommodation was spotlessly clean, the breakfast was delicious, and the sisters wonderful hosts. Mary's House, Bethlehem
I had a great stay. The accommodation was spotlessly clean, the breakfast was delicious, and the sisters wonderful hosts.
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