Casa Santa Maria degli Angeli offers its guests 10 beds divided into 1 double room with private external bathroom, 1 single room with private external bathroom, and 7 beds in two communicating rooms with shared bathroom.
The Hospitality House offers stays in complete relaxation and in contact with the uncontaminated nature of the Ruvian hills.
Ideal for family holidays, for a break from the chaos of the city, spiritual retreats, prayer and training meetings.
报到: 16:00 (4:00下午) - 22:00 (10:00下午) (如果您的旅行计划无法调整,则可能允许在此窗口之外抵达,但这需视供应情况而定)
查看: 10:00 (10:00上午) - 14:00 (2:00下午)