Want to receive bookings through your website? We welcome new affiliates, and can set up either a white label or API for your website, or you can simply link to our websites. There are no setup fees and you can trial with us and leave at any time. We will share our commission with you for any bookings made or initiated through your website. Many of our properties are not available to book online anywhere else. Feel free to browse the technical details below, and get in touch via the form below if you are interested in discussing further.
Our white label If you don't have your own accommodation search facility on your website, the easiest form of partnership is to set up a white label so your customers can search and book using our technology on your website. Everything is rebranded to look like part of your site using iframes, which take no time to set up.
Our APIs Our APIs allow our data to be accessed by your web server, so for example your website could retrieve the availability for a property on a given date and display that on a web page on your site.
The latest versions of the API specification are always available here: https://sbapi.speedybooker.com/swagger/ui/index . You may browse the API and read the documentation, but you will need to be authenticated before it can be utilised fully.
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