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Alexander Meddings

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In today’s fast-paced, hyperconnected world, moments in which we can take pause, reflect, and reconnect, can seem increasingly few and far between. 

Distractions inundate our daily lives, cluttering everything from our work inboxes to our Instagram feeds, and blind us to the things that matter most, be they our social relationships with family and friends or our sense of self in the world. Social media alone saps an average of 2.5 hours a day from each of its estimated 5 billion global users, enticing us with the lure of easy, constant connectivity while driving an invisible epidemic of anxiety, loneliness, and depression. Being able to press pause, take a step back, and find the peace of mind to focus on what really matters is fundamental for tending to our mental health.

In theory, we do just this when we go on vacation. But how many of us can really say that we switch off even then? This explains why an increasing number of travellers are discovering the profound benefits of monastery stays as a unique and enriching form of retreat. By their very nature, monastery or convent retreats offer welcome respite from our daily distractions.

Monastery Retreats in Pleshy, near Chelmsford UK

Here's why you should consider going on one..

The Reflective Essence of Monastery Retreats
Monastery stays offer a rare opportunity to take a break from the demands of daily life and experience full immersion in an introspective environment of solitude and simplicity. For retreatants, monasteries serve as sanctuaries of serenity and self-discovery where they can focus on spiritual growth through mindfulness and silent thought while shutting out the distractions they battle against back home.

What to Expect from a Monastery Retreat?
Something that stands out for all retreatents is how welcome they are made to feel among their monastic community. Hospitality is a key tenet of Christian religious teaching, from Abraham entertaining the three strangers in the Old Testament to Martha, Mary and Lazarus entertaining Christ ("I was a stranger, and you welcomed me") in the New Testament. 

Monks have always heeded this word – St. Benedict devotes Chapter 53 of his Rule to the care of guests – and they devote particular attention to accommodating guests. Yet the extent to which they expect them to participate in the day-to-day running of the monastery can vary.

The Division of Labour
Guests on monastery retreats are usually expected to contribute towards daily chores and share meals (lunch and supper) with members of the monastic order. Where retreatents are actively contributing to the monastic community (i.e. not using it purely as accommodation), no payment is usually expected. Instead, guests may leave a donation to support the monastery’s upkeep.

Some monasteries host spiritual retreats which fully immerse their guests, involving them in regular prayer sessions, reading, and communal work, even including the production of monastery made goods or the upkeep of the monastic garden
Monks by the water
Shared Spaces and a Peaceful Atmosphere
What all monastery retreats have in common, however, are simple accommodation, shared spaces, and silence and contemplation. Rooms are typically basic but comfortable, emphasising minimalism and shying away from distractions. Some monasteries have shared bathrooms and common areas, further fostering a sense of community. And many retreats incorporate periods of silence and discourage interruption to enhance introspection.

Preparing for Your Stay
Something we recommend for first-timers is to plan the first monastery retreat over a long weekend (if you enjoy the experience, you can always return for longer). Organising the retreat over a weekend means that you’ll be there for Mass, a key communal event in the weekly monastic calendar, while also carving out ample time for solitary introspection. 

Because monasteries are so broadly accommodating (more on this shortly), you don’t need to do a lot of preparation before going. We do, however, recommend following these basic tips.
  • Inform friends and family. Since you’ll be going off the grid, you should let your loved ones know. How unreachable you want to be is up to you, but telling them that you’ll only be available for emergencies is generally considered best.
  • Pack light: Bring only essentials to fully embrace the simplicity of monastic life. A small backpack should suffice.  
  • Go with an open mind: Approach staying in a monastery with curiosity and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone and engage in new practices.
  • Respect the rules: While monasteries are by no means draconian, each has its own guidelines, and many operate curfews. Be prepared to follow them respectfully.
Before setting out for your monastery retreat, read our top tips for staying in monasteries.

Who Benefits from Monastery Retreats?
Monastery stays are not just for people of a religious background. Everyone can benefit, from burned-out professionals in need of respite from their everyday lives to spiritual seekers looking for inspiration or introspection. Anybody who wants to contribute towards and feel part of a community should consider going on a retreat in a monastery. 

Some people can be put off monastery retreats by the idea of draconian rules and compulsory nightly prayers. But most often this could not be further from the truth. Monasteries have offered sanctuary to pilgrims for centuries, and many religious orders take a vow of hospitality. Often the only major restriction will be a curfew (typically between 10pm and midnight) while any other rules and restrictions will be explained at the first point of contact.

Monastery Retreats across the World
So many monasteries and convents offer retreats, which vary from lodging guests in basic accommodation to getaways centred on structured spiritual guidance, that trying to find common features and points of convergence is as tricky as it is trivial. That’s why instead we would like to give you an idea of what you can expect by using recent, real-life examples.

In the northernmost Scottish Highlands, Pluscarden Abbey accommodates both male and female retreatants, the former in St. Scholastica’s Retreat, the latter in St. Benedict’s Guest House. What is most important is that retreatants act in the spirit of monastery guests. This means being a part of community life, observing silence in the church, the refectory, and other common areas, and fostering a respectful environment.
Some 400 miles south, in the historic English county of Yorkshire, the 26-strong community of Ampleforth Abbey also welcomes guests through paid guided retreats, self-led retreats, and group retreats. “We encourage them to participate in the Divine Office,” reflects Abbot Robert, “though simply listening is also a form of participating.” Retreatants generally eat in the guests’ refectory, but a few of the men can eat inside the enclosure, with the monks.

Nestled in the heart of the Essex countryside, just a short drive from Chelmsford, the Chelmsford Diocesan House of Retreat in Pleshey offers a haven for spiritual reflection and renewal. With many accommodation options—including en-suite rooms in the main house and the characterful Gatehouse—retreatants can tailor their stay to their needs, whether seeking solitude, guided reflection, or some simple respite from daily life. 

The retreat house’s carefully tended gardens, peaceful chapel, and ornate library create an atmosphere of tranquillity, encouraging moments of stillness and introspection. As Evelyn Underhill, one of the retreat’s most distinguished conductors, once observed, Pleshey is a place where one can truly ‘seek God in stillness.’

Guests are encouraged to contact the property for more information about their retreats after booking their stay.

In this place I will give peace. Retreat in a monastery
In the Canadian province of Quebec, the Benedictine Abbaye de Saint-Benoît-du-Lac, locally renowned for its savoury home-crafted cheeses and cider, also hosts retreats for quiet contemplation. "There's a physiological atmosphere of serenity, and people connect with that," says Father Garand, an Abbey monk. Listen to the monks’ Gregorian chant, conducted amidst the fragrant aroma of burning incense, and you understand exactly what he means.

For Francophone retreatants, the nearby 17th-century monastery-turned-wellness-centre Le Monastère des Augustines offers retreats and wellness programs within Quebec’s old walled city. Its rooms are modern and simply furnished, but still give a good sense of how the Augustinian Sisters lived, as does its on-site museum, which displays original objects like religious art and medical relics.
Book Your Monastery Retreat
Many monasteries run retreats ranging from a few days to several weeks, so you can find some equilibrium through peace, quiet, and hospitality. You can reach out to religious guest houses directly by browsing monasteries or convents near you and getting in touch with them directly or bookmark our website and keep an eye out for retreats in a destination of your choice.