The Monastery of the Immaculate Conception and Saint Joseph, belonging to the Order of the Holy Trinity and Redemption of Captives, located in El Toboso (Toledo), founded by Ángela María de la Concepción, who came from Medina del Campo to establish and live the spirit of the Primitive Rule in 1680, was the first monastery of the new branch of Recollect Trinitarian Nuns.
The Monastery is of great architectural beauty in the Herrerian style, while at the same time conserving the sobriety of a monastery. It is known as the "Little Escorial of La Mancha". The Community is currently dedicated to the contemplative life: prayer and work. The work to which it is dedicated is gold embroidery: for the brotherhoods of images, mantles, palliums and scapulars of various brotherhoods. The place is sought after for its peace, its encounter with the Lord, its silence, and it is requested to stay for a few days. It is also a place of passage for pilgrims.
A warm welcome to all those who come to this monastery where the Trinitarian nuns have been giving life to the project that Juan de Mata left in the Church and that the Venerable Ángela María de la Concepción wanted to follow firmly.
Guests can enjoy the peace and quiet that the town provides, its locals creating the truely authentic visit to Spain, whilst not being far from Madrid by car.
Registrarse: 10:30 (10:30) - 12:30 (12:30) (se pueden permitir llegadas fuera de esta ventana si sus planes de viaje no se pueden ajustar, sin embargo, esto está sujeto a disponibilidad)
Salida: 12:00 (12:00) - 16:00 (4:00)
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