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Vous trouverez ici nos meilleurs cours et retraites dans le monde entier. Pour vous faciliter la tâche, nous avons compilé une liste de catégories populaires que vous pouvez parcourir. Que vous recherchiez la paix intérieure, la tranquillité et l'espace pour ouvrir votre cœur à la spiritualité, renforcer les liens communautaires, nouer de nouvelles amitiés et guérir les blessures du passé. Offrez-vous un ressourcement spirituel avec

Retraites spirituelles en cours et à venir (1/5)


Evelyn Underhill Quiet Day

The Street, Chelmsford, Pleshey, CM3 1HA
10:00 - 16:00
juin 2024

A quiet day with Evelyn Underhill

Led by Val Thompson. At the core of Evelyn Underhill was her commitment to God and her determination to help others approach God and have a personal relationship with him. Come and find out more about her life and work and how we can make this relevant for us today.

Val Thompson is a retired teacher who worships at St Paul's Church Goodmayes Ilford. A Spiritual Director for many years, she is a member of the tutor teams of both the Essex Course in Spiritual Direction and the Chelmsford Diocese Modular Course in Spiritual Companionship. Val gained her MA in Christian Spirituality in 2019 with a dissertation which explored Evelyn Underhill's influence on others both in her own time and in present time within Chelmsford Diocese and at Pleshey Retreat House.

This event is open to everyone, you are welcomed to stay overnight.

The price includes lunch.


Finding a Way

The Street, Chelmsford, Pleshey, CM3 1HA
10:00 - 16:00
juil. 2024

Navigating Life Transitions

This day retreat is for anyone lay or ordained who is anticipating or living through a significant life event (which could include retirement, separation or divorce, children leaving home, health or job changes). There will be short talks with time for people to journal, reflect and pray on their own, some time for interaction and sharing, all held within simple short acts of worship.

Jill Mowbray was CMD Adviser in the diocese for 13 years, training, and supporting curates and clergy through ministerial education and formation at various stages of ministry, then for her last 15 months before retirement she was Wellbeing Lead for the diocese. Jill is now living in Norwich where she is rediscovering what life in a small city is like, enjoying coast and countryside, and appreciating the wisdom of Julian of Norwich for liminal times.

This day is in the ‘wellbeing’ strand of the Retreat House programme and Chelmsford Diocese clergy and LLMs may apply to use their CMD grants. The day can be combined with an overnight stay or two at the House.

The price includes lunch.


Meditation and Creative Art Day

The Street, Chelmsford, Pleshey, CM3 1HA
10:00 - 16:00
juil. 2024

A wellbeing day - An opportunity for quiet reflection, mindfulness and creativity outdoors in nature.

Times of led meditation on the grounds of Pleshey will be interspersed with printmaking demonstrations and opportunities to try out different monoprinting techniques, using plants from our surroundings. If the weather is right, we will make cyanotypes in the afternoon (images made using light sensitive paper). Each technique is playful and rewarding. Suitable for all - both beginners and experienced. All materials are included.

Chelmsford Diocesan Clergy & LLMs may apply to use their CMD grants.

Led by Fiona Fouhy ARE who works as an artist in East London. Her work is predominantly about nature. She has been printmaking for 12 years and teaches at studios across the UK. She studied Fine Art at Central Saint Martins (University of the Arts, London) and is represented by Eames Fine Art Gallery, London ( Her work is held in public collections in the UK and in private collections within the UK and internationally. She was elected an Associate Member of the Royal Society for Printmakers and Painters in 2023.

This event is open to everyone, you are welcome to stay overnight.

The price includes lunch.


Individually Guided Retreat

The Street, Chelmsford, Pleshey, CM3 1HA
juil. 2024
juil. 2024

... an opportunity to grow in your relationship with God.

As an aspect of that developing relationship, people often come to understand more about prayer, about themselves, and about how to discern the will of God in their lives. To help each other listen to God, we have companionable silence after the first meal until the last morning, with daily chats with Spiritual Directors.

These retreats are led by Jackie Sams, a retired Priest and an experienced Spiritual Director with a heart to see people deepen their relationship with God, alongside a team of similarly experienced Spiritual Directors who are good listeners.

Price is for an ensuite room with full board. 


Walking Retreat - The Wisdom of Wild Grace

The Street, Chelmsford, Pleshey, CM3 1HA
août 2024
août 2024

Exploring the countryside & walks around Pleshey

Spend 6 days discovering the holiness of the natural world as we explore the Essex countryside. Experience ‘forest bathing’, walk in the steps of St Cedd and the Celtic saints. Walks no more than 6-7 miles with pub lunches, picnics and space for prayer and reflection (pub lunches not included in the price).

Led by Rev Brigid & Laurie Main. Brigid trained initially as a Speech & Language Therapist. She was ordained in 1999 and for 10 years was Associate Priest at the Retreat House at Pleshey, Essex where Laurie, her husband, was House Manager. In 2019, Brigid retired as Chaplain to the ancient chapel of St Peter-on-the Wall in Bradwell-on-Sea. In her spare time she loves singing, playing the recorder, knitting and much more! She loves being a spiritual companion and also using her skills to help people develop and care for their voice.

The price is for ensuite room with full board.

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