Hospitality complex MONTE PACIS is a four – star hotel and restaurant, founded in still functioning Pažaislis monastery ensemble – the most impressive architectural complex of buildings across the entire North-Eastern Europe, a masterpiece of mature baroque architecture. It has become a favourite place among tourists for its impressive appearance, exciting history and remarkable atmosphere, beautiful nature also, because Pažaislis is located in Kauno Marios Regional park on the peninsula of Kaunas lagoon.
“Monte Pacis” is famous, boutique, themed the four-star hotel. Protecting the history and cultural heritage hospitality complex has established 13 rooms: two royal apartments, four suite of rooms, and seven standards types rooms. Guests of Monte Pacis are welcome to stay in classical baroque - style rooms, named after historical personalities who lived here or have visited the hospitality complex. Being small hotel, the staff pays individual attention and care to all guest separately.
On the first floor you fill find simple, but comfortable standard style rooms. They are named mostly by Italians masters who worked and also lived here. name it Solo travel, Secret Escape or even Soul spa.
On the ground floor you will find much more splendid four suite class rooms. They are named by prominent and noble people, who visited Pažaislis in the different period of history. Hospitality complex has a room of Swedish King Karl XII , French general Napoleon Bonapart, Russian Tcar Nikolaj I, king of Lithuania Grand Dutchy Jan Sobieski. Also two luxury apartments. In the northern part hospitality complex established the apartments of the French lady Klara Izabelle de Mailly Lascaris, on the south – patron K.Z.Pacas.
“Monte Pacis” restaurant is a fine choice for those wanting to taste creative, modern Lithuanian cuisine using local products. “Reflecting Global Trends in a Unique Location”, “ Innovative interpretation of local products and historic heritage recipes“ – about „Monte Pacis“ restaurant.
The monks lived in cells. Each cell had a small fenced garden where the monks could garden. The monastery also shared two large walled gardens, which were said to produce the best vegetables in the area for the monks’ cooking. Today, the restaurant at Pažaislis Monastery still follows the old traditions and grows the vegetables it serves to its guests. Visitors to the restaurant can taste natural products grown in the Camaldolese tradition on the monastery grounds, in the same gardens as in the past.
Arrivée : 15:00 (3:00) - 16:30 (4:30) (En cas de contrainte particulières, n’hésitez pas à demander un aménagement.)
Départ : 08:00 (8:00) - 12:00 (12:00)
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