The Bridgettine Sisters cordially welcome all to St.Winefride's Guest House for an enjoyable stay open all year round.
The Convent Chapel adjacent to the guest house is always open to Pilgrims and visitors.
The Bridgettine Convent has a thriving liturgical life, in which all are welcome to participate, that includes daily Mass, celebration of the Divine Office, Holy Rosary and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Come and stay with the sister any time and you will be sure to receive a very warm welcome.
Arrivée : 10:00 (10:00) - 19:00 (7:00) (aucune arrivée n'est autorisée hors de ces horaires)
Départ : 09:00 (9:00) - 10:00 (10:00)
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