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The Northern Way - Camino de Santiago

Cammino del Nord

Santiago de Compostela

Providing some of the most spectacular scenery of all the Caminos, the Northern Way is one of the oldest routes and follows the coast for most of its 825km. The route developed in the 9th and 10th centuries, gaining prominence as a route not only for those in the Northern counties of Spain but also from overseas pilgrims from northern Europe and Britain who journeyed to Spain by sea, docking at its northern port towns before continuing on foot to Santiago.

Starting in the border town of Irun the route passes through the Basque Country, crossing Cantabria and the Asturias mountain range before heading west to Galicia.

The route passes through major towns and cities such as San Sebastian, in the top 10 for most Michelin Stars in Europe, Bilbao, home to the Guggenheim Museum and Santander which houses the Royal Palace. The medieval town of Mondonedo, and its Cathedral, is also worth a stop.

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