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Albergo del Santuario, Santa Maria di Leuca

Case per Ferie Religiose




1 Camera, 1 Ospite
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The property is located in the Pontifical Basilica of Santa Maria di Leuca and offers comfortable rooms all with private bathroom.

Check-in: 14:00 (2:00) - 18:00 (6:00) ( Gli arrivi possono essere consentiti al di fuori di questa finestra se i piani di viaggio non possono essere modificati, tuttavia questo e` soggetto in base alla disponibilita`)

Check-out: Prima 09:30 (9:30)

Mostra di piu`

Informazioni & Servizi

Caratteristiche & strutture


Ritiri spirituali

Sistemazione adiacente al monastero


Parcheggio gratuito (in loco)

Vietato fumare

Bambini benvenuti

Classificazione ufficiale 2 stelle


Connessione gratuita a Internet a banda larga (wifi)

Passeggiate per terreni boschivi

Cappella in loco


Lenzuola comprese

Asciugamani compresi


Aria Condizionata




Passeggiate raccomandate

Spiaggia (raggiungibile in macchina)


Informazioni d'arrivo e direzioni

Indirizzo: Via Crucis, Santa Maria di Leuca, Puglia/Italia, Santa Maria di Leuca73040, Italia

Those who are unable to check-in / check-out at the scheduled times must call the property directly and notify the reception staff. From October to June check-in is up to 6.00 PM. From July to September, however, as there is a night porter, check-in can be done at any time.

The property is located in a strategic and convenient position a few steps from the Basilica of the Madonna de finibus terrae and the Belvedere, from where you can admire the Marina di Leuca and Punta Ristola, the last strip of Italy.

BY PLANE: The closest airport is Brindisi (100 Km). Daily flights with the main Italian cities. You can reach Santa Maria di Leuca by bus to Lecce and continue by train (FSE) to Gagliano station. ON THE TRAIN: With the trains of the State Railways to Lecce station. The connections in the Province, on the other hand, are guaranteed by the trains of the South East Railways to the Gagliano station, 5 km from Leuca. BY CAR: Highway to Bari, highway to Lecce. Once in the Salento capital you can reach Leuca with the state road 101 Lecce-Gallipoli (recommended) and 274 from Gallipoli to Leuca or with the state road 16 up to Maglie and the state road 275 from Maglie to Leuca.

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